At Bluebay Home Loans we understand that sometimes life takes an unexpected turn that may make managing your repayments difficult.
If you are experiencing difficulty, we encourage you to contact us using the below details.
Phone: 1300 258 229
However, we also understand that sometimes things get tough for an extended period. For these times, Bluebay Home Loans has a formal Hardship Assistance Program.
You do not have to contact us in writing or by email. You can contact us in person or by phone. If you do not feel comfortable contacting us personally you can ask someone else (like a financial counsellor) to contact us on your behalf.
What is financial hardship?
Financial hardship is when you have difficulty in paying your loan when a repayment is due even though you may want to. This may be because of:
- Unexpected changes in your income or expenses;
- Changes to your employment status (such as losing your job or having your hours of work reduced)
- Significant life events (such as a relationship breakdown or death in the family)
- Increases in interest rates
- Injury or illness
- Emergency event
- A pandemic
- Natural disasters
What happens if you apply for financial hardship?
If you contact us to advise us that you are having difficulties in meeting your loan repayments, a member of our team will contact you to find out more about your individual situation. All requests for hardship assistance will be treated in absolute confidence.
Usually we will ask you some questions in order to find a solution that is suitable to your individual situation. We may also ask you to provide some documentation to help us make a decision about your application. These documents may include:
- recent payslips;
- evidence of your current income (e.g. account statements or Centrelink statements)
- evidence of medical circumstances (e.g. medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner,
- other evidence (e.g. separation statement, contract of sale, or consent from joint borrower (where required).
What is the aim of a hardship arrangement?
The aim of any hardship arrangement is to ensure steps are put in place to allow you to continue to meet your obligations during the period in which you are experiencing financial difficulty.
What might happen as a result of an application for financial hardship?
Based on the information you provide, we may be able to set up a short-term payment arrangement to help you get back on your feet. This may include:
- a postponement of payments for a period;
- a variation to your loan;
- access to redraw funds
What happens if Bluebay Home Loans determines that you are not eligible for a hardship arrangement?
If we do not offer you hardship relief and you are not happy with our decision, you can ask to be referred to our internal dispute resolution team. This team will undertake a further review of your individual situation.
If you are still unhappy with our decision you can contact our external dispute resolution scheme, theAustralian Financial Complaints Authority(AFCA) on:
Phone:1800 931 678